Thursday, March 17, 2011


A Prayer
Today I pray for freedom,
Freedom from me,
Me and my binding thoughts.

I want to fly free,
Not think of the glaring eyes,
Of the creepy looks,
The thought and the perceptions,
The truth and the lies.

I know they don’t stop me,
It’s me who thinks about them and stops.
I know they don’t restrict my freedom
It’s me who feels so and blocks.

It’s me who says no,
It’s me who runs away,
Away from myself,
Away from it all.
I know I am my problem,
Hence today I take the fall.

Today I pray to be free,
Free from myself,
Me and my binding thoughts.

I pray to gain a fearless flight,
One which has no space for regrets,
One which has no concern, fear or thought,
Of the other insignificant knots.

I pray to be me,
Without restriction, barriers and complication of thoughts.
I pray to be free,
Free from myself, my thoughts

And that shall be the true freedom,
The freedom of life,
The Freedom of thought,
The freedom from fear,
 or should I say...

The Fearless Freedom.


___just me___

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fragments of Faith

Hey there, here's a fragmented peice, showing different views, thoughts and perceptions, written at diffrent times around a single thought.. just felt like sharing it.. have a look :


Everybody needs something to believe,
Everybody needs someone to love.

Fingers to wipe the tears away,
Legs to walk all the way
Ears to listen to all the crap
Hands to hold and tightly wrap
Eyes to see his own self
And presence to forget himself

Everybody needs something to believe,
Everybody needs someone to love.

Memories to live the life ahead,
Unfulfilled dreams on the bed.
Place to bare it all and go mad,
Voice which helps to forget the bad.
Words to strengthen the belief,
Name to call to seek relief.

Everybody needs something to believe,
Everybody needs someone to love.


They may call the someone love,
 Support, friends or the life.
They may call the something god,
 Reality, belief or the strength.

But truth remains...
And so does the faith...

Everybody needs something to believe,
Everybody needs someone to love.

What if the something is somewhere in you?
And what if the someone is yourself?
Nowhere you have look for it...
Just look deep within yourself...

Now the question remains,
Weather to look outside or search within.
Weather to seek inspiration,
Or depend on self motivation.

Questions may remain unanswered,
And the quest may continue...
But my lines shall remain true...

Everybody needs something to believe,
Everybody needs someone to love.

___just me___