Saturday, November 26, 2011

Impulsive writings...

I’ve heard...
Write it all out, writing is the best way to vent out anger, frustration, depression.
Even joy, happiness and ecstasy maybe...
You feel it’s all out; there is a sense of lightness in the mind,
It may be temporary, but it’s needed.
So... that’s what I was thinking when I wrote this...
 The Sense of Desolation

It’s the turmoil,
You can feel the fire burning,
A shiver down your spine,
The feeling of being betrayed,
Like a stab piercing deeper by the day,
You see the life fall apart,
No hand to hold it on.

Like the beautiful puppies that were born,
A new life, trying to explore the new found world,
Ten of them when they came out,
 Always together, friends forever,
Few days gone, only one stays alive.
Others suffered and ended their strife,
You think that was painful?
Think about the one that survived,
Who saw it all and has to live with it now.

Wounds get renewed,
Burns to be avenged
But who shall take vengeance,
When pain has taken over,
When the life falls apart,
No hand to hold it on.

A vivid picture in your mind,
But no grip to hold,
A throbbing pain in the head,
Thoughts jumbled and sold.
Each ball hits the ring,
But none reaches the goal.

On the string you walk,
Deep Blue Ocean on one side,
Burning fire on the other,
The constant noise distracts you,
Forcing you to fall,
Optimism dosent come to rescue you
And the journey takes its toll.

It’s the turmoil again,
You can feel the fire burning,
A shiver down your spine,
The feeling of being betrayed,
Like a stab piercing deeper by the day,
You see the life fall apart,
No hand to hold it on.

 ___just me___