Thursday, March 17, 2011


A Prayer
Today I pray for freedom,
Freedom from me,
Me and my binding thoughts.

I want to fly free,
Not think of the glaring eyes,
Of the creepy looks,
The thought and the perceptions,
The truth and the lies.

I know they don’t stop me,
It’s me who thinks about them and stops.
I know they don’t restrict my freedom
It’s me who feels so and blocks.

It’s me who says no,
It’s me who runs away,
Away from myself,
Away from it all.
I know I am my problem,
Hence today I take the fall.

Today I pray to be free,
Free from myself,
Me and my binding thoughts.

I pray to gain a fearless flight,
One which has no space for regrets,
One which has no concern, fear or thought,
Of the other insignificant knots.

I pray to be me,
Without restriction, barriers and complication of thoughts.
I pray to be free,
Free from myself, my thoughts

And that shall be the true freedom,
The freedom of life,
The Freedom of thought,
The freedom from fear,
 or should I say...

The Fearless Freedom.


___just me___


  1. Amazinggg Yeshaaaaaaa!!! :) Kind of Confessions of a Young & Free Mind!!! Loved it to the CORE!! :) Awesum <3 <3 <3
