Saturday, August 20, 2011

Grey's inspired: Change

´Every cell in the human body regenerates on average every seven years. Like snakes, in our own way we shed our skin. Biologically we are brand new people. We may look the same, we probably do, the change isn´t visible at least in most of us, but we are all changed completely forever.´ -Meredith Grey
Life changes, in a blink of an eye
It’s all here and it’s all gone in a short while
Nothing is forever, nothing is there always
The only permanent thing that stays,
Is fact that it will all change

Every night changes to day, everyone gets a say
Be it the person, circumstance or the place
It affects all, as from its trap no one can escape

It is the law of nature, 
It is the way of life
Weather you accept it or try to run away
You still can never ignore
For change is always here to stay

It’s not easy for me or you
And we are not amongst the few
You may not accept it today
But one of your biggest fear it will always stay

This fear is what drives us all
Some then take the fall
While some accept it and make their call
Yet no one stay aloof from this fear,
This fear we call - change

So, today let’s not give it a thought
Forget the rest and love all we have for now
Live it all today and have no regrets
For good or bad, happy or sad
It’s all going to change one day


Life changes, in a blink of an eye
It’s all here and it’s all gone in a short while
Nothing is forever, nothing is there always
The only permanent thing that stays,
Is fact that it will all change


´Change. We don´t like it, we fear it. But we can´t stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or we get left behind. It hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn´t is lying. But here´s the truth. Sometimes the more things change the more they stay the same. And sometimes, oh sometimes, change is good. Sometimes change is everything.´ -Meredith Grey

___just me___


  1. WOW!! you've really understood wat the quotes mean n represented it amazingly well in a poem, which is a super difficult thing to do....

    keep writing, keep rocking YESHAAA!! :)

  2. Interpreting an aspect of life, TV series for this instance, and writing the poem so beautifully that any one can read and understand what is it all about! ; That's the quality U have girl! Simply astounded by this poem! :) Super Duper Work Yesha!! :) Keep rocking! <3

  3. thank you very much everyone. Always glad to recive your feedback. =) =)
